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On Leadership by Tony Blair – working to rule

The ex-PM offers sound advice for leaders, but fails to challenge his own thinking and is myopic on the risks of AI

Tony Blair’s first book since 2010’s A Journey is a fascinating treatise on leadership – though I suspect it will leave some of the cohort it is aimed at wishing he had delved deeper into his own experiences, turning a book of general interest into one of unique insight.

Before I expand, some disclosure. The political enmity between Labour and the SNP is so deep that for me to have expressed the slightest admiration for the former prime minister while I was still in frontline politics would have been nigh-on impossible. It would have sparked outrage among my supporters – just as it would be political suicide for an aspiring Labour politician to say anything positive about me. Indeed, this is one of the problems of our tribal politics that he, rightly, rails against.

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